Friday, February 17, 2012

What are the conditions for getting a vasectomy at UC Davis Medical Center?

I'm 19 and I don't ever want to have kids. Period. You're not gonna change my mind.

And another reason, I don't want to have only girls. I have 3 sisters and no brothers and there's nothing about it that I like. On mom's side, only 1 male cousin and again, 3 girl cousins. Apparently, there's a preference for girls. I feel owed.What are the conditions for getting a vasectomy at UC Davis Medical Center?
I know nothing about the specific provider you speak of. I can tell you that I wanted a vasectomy at your age. I managed to get at when I was 21. No I do not have children.
The first two tries I told them "I do not want kids". They referred me to a shrink.

I learned just to go to a clinic or doctor and say, "I would like a consultation for a vasectomy". Answer all questions "Yes" or "No". Do not disclose the fact that you have no children, or the fact that you are single unless they specifically ask. Yes, you must "lie by omission". Do not even disclose your age if and until you are asked (odds are they will only ask your birth-date on the forms).

Loose the attitude. Do not say crap like, "I am owned", or any of the other "mental case" crap you stated in your question. If you want them to take you seriously, you will have to play by their rules, and act like an adult. Ranting will only get you turned away.

It might take one or two tries but you can get your vasectomy.

You are not attempting to do anything all that unusual. It is not that big of a deal. Congrats on choosing to be "Child-Free".
You'll have to find a Urologist or General Surgeon who regularly performs the procedure and make an appointment with them. You'll do an initial consult and will probably be offered to bank your sperm so that if you do ever change your mind, you can use your own sperm without having to get a reversal.

The surgeon can turn you down for any reason that he feels, which means that anyone in his group will also be unlikely to operate on you. So, if you go in puffed up and full of attitude, the surgeon will likely say, "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm the right doctor for you," and send you on your way. Act like a grown up and voice your concerns and desires like a sane person.

There's no problem with not wanting kids, but if you go in there spewing false information and saying that your choice is based off that BS, the doc will try to explain to you that that's not how it works and when you puff up and say garbage like "I feel owed," you will be shown the door.

Remember, it's the male's sperm that determines gender of the child so the mere fact that you are male means you have the potential to produce a male child (you pass on your Y choromosome). And there are plenty of scientific ways to up those chances further.What are the conditions for getting a vasectomy at UC Davis Medical Center?
Loose the attitude. No doctor will help you if you talk like you did in your question. You will have to be mature about it.
Get an appointment with the surgeon who will be performing the operation.

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