Friday, February 24, 2012

What Data Center Tier for a medical complex ?

I'm planning on building a Tier III data center for a medical complex that will have operation theaters and clinics, MRi's, CT scanners etc etc.

I've managed the implementations of data centers before for former employers but never for a health care provider. I would like some thoughts on this.

Thanks for your input :)What Data Center Tier for a medical complex ?
If you have never done any work for medical then do whatever you can to get out of the job. Mdeical facilities require fail-safes to the extreme such as UPS, Multi-server, and high security encrypted backup. Every unit in the data center will need one or more protections.What Data Center Tier for a medical complex ?
There are, as you know, different Tiers for a data center. Tier 1, the lowest tier, requires little backup. Tier 4, the highest tier, requires redundant systems throughout. Which tier you need depends on your clients' needs and budget.

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