Friday, March 9, 2012

Veterans Affairs Medical Center Problem?

Hello, I am veteran that came home in April of last year. The closest (and only) Medical Center by me is in Northport on long island. They closed there pool in May of last year and they said it would be closed for 2 weeks. It has now been closed 8 months. There was some electrical problem but they have complelty ignored opening the pool. If they just spent 2 weeks working on it , they could get it open. They veterans are all very angered. How can we go about speeding up the process of opening this pool or who could we speak too?Veterans Affairs Medical Center Problem?
Go to the PVA. The pool is VITAL for the therapy of paralyzed Veterans. They have a very loud voice in Congress.

The thing you must remember is that the VA may not be your enemy on this, they are working with a very tight source of funding right now, thank your Congress for their delay on that one.

The issue may not even be a maintenance issue, if they do not have a certified lifeguard on staff, say because the last qualified therapists left, and they do not have the funds to replace him or her, then no matter how well maintained the pool is, they can't open it.
Present your isue to the Veterans Administration.Veterans Affairs Medical Center Problem?
Contact your House Representative in Congress and ask them to check into this for you.

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