Monday, March 12, 2012

Did Obama stop by Queens medical center in Honolulu Hawaii to check on RUSH and get a copy of his birth?

certificate to put down all the rumors of him being a muslim and not born in America?Did Obama stop by Queens medical center in Honolulu Hawaii to check on RUSH and get a copy of his birth?
I would lovvvvve it if he would produce a legal birth certificate once and for all so we could send him back to his homeland... It would be like a dream come true fer sure!

I am glad Rush is gonna live, I dont agree with everything he says but his family loves him.
heh.Did Obama stop by Queens medical center in Honolulu Hawaii to check on RUSH and get a copy of his birth?
If he had and Limbaugh just happened to die than we would never hear the end of it from Limbaugh's followers.
2009’s final irony: Rush Limbaugh treated at Obama birther hospital

Maybe Rush was trying to find proof of Obama's citizenship...

The world may never know.
Rush is way too smart to fall for that phony birth certificate thingy, that barack insane obama does.
You MEAN that Lush Limbo - America's finest lying sack of dog sh*t - is a muslim and not born in America????

That's astonishing. Time to put him in prison where he belongs!!
No, he got his kids to draw up a phony one in photoshop.
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